Author Amrita

About the author

Since 2011 Amrita has studied Tantra, meditations, holistic healing techniques and energy work. On her path, she has experienced a powerful opening of her 'healing channel' and since then she has been working as a medium - channeling high vibration frequencies to other people with amazing results. Presently, she is sharing the most effective methods she has learned to help other people live consciously in joy and bliss. She writes articles, facilitates workshops for women, offers personal therapeutic Skype sessions and online healing programs.

What are the dangers for a woman of living her life in a masculine way?

What does it actually mean to be a woman and what are the advantages? Why is it important to cultivate your femininity? We live in a society which generally does not honor the feminine qualities and often sees them as something inferior and of a lesser value. Thus, we women have learned to live in a more masculine way...

Awakening the Divine Feminine

Presently, there are a lot of energy shifts on the planet because we are going through an awakening process of all humanity. The call is to bring balance and harmony so that we can enter a new Golden era of peace, love and consciousness for which we desperately yearn. Because of this, everything that is not aligned with...

Why don’t I have a partner? Why is my relationship not working?

It’s Valentine’s Day.. Everyone is sharing love and going for dates.. and yet I don’t feel loved. When will love come into my life? Why are my relationships not working? When will I meet a partner who will love me the way that I am? A partner who will show me the love I deserve? Why do I attract the wrong kind of...

How Tantra changed my life.

My life and my perception of life took 180 degrees shift after reading the first 4 pages from the book Tantric Love. I was expecting something about sex so this was a shock for me! Until that time I was living a very ordinary life. I graduated at City University in Bratislava. I had my own company, I was going to work, I had...

  • Author: Amrita Hanna Slaninková, MBA – tantra teacher and holistic therapist
  • Since 2011 Amrita has studied Tantra, meditations, holistic healing techniques and energy work. On her path, she has experienced a powerful opening of her ‘healing channel’ and since then she has been working as a medium – channeling high vibration frequencies to other people with amazing results. Presently, she is sharing the most effective methods she has learned to help other people live consciously in joy and bliss. She writes articles, facilitates workshops for women, offers personal therapeutic Skype sessions and online healing programs.