Author Jonathan Clarke

About the author

Passionate teacher of Tantra, Yoga and Meditation and Skilled Therapist, Jonathan has also raised two children and spent 27 years in Business. This gives him a deep empathy with those integrating a spiritual practice with everyday life. He uses movement, breath and pleasure to nurture an embodied path of self-development and connection with spirit.

Mastering Love in the Modern World

Do you ever feel that there is a higher dimension to sex and relationships that than what you are living right now? I did – and I’d like to share about how the wisdom of Tantra transformed my life. Modern society generally leaves us poorly prepared to develop strong and healthy relationships. In ancient times, along with...

  • Author: Amrita Hanna Slaninková, MBA – tantra teacher and holistic therapist
  • Since 2011 Amrita has studied Tantra, meditations, holistic healing techniques and energy work. On her path, she has experienced a powerful opening of her ‘healing channel’ and since then she has been working as a medium – channeling high vibration frequencies to other people with amazing results. Presently, she is sharing the most effective methods she has learned to help other people live consciously in joy and bliss. She writes articles, facilitates workshops for women, offers personal therapeutic Skype sessions and online healing programs.