Does your 1st chakra need more balance?

1st chakra – Muladhara – the root chakra

Location: at the base of the spine between anus and perineum

Connected with: whole pelvic area, legs and feet, large intestine, anus, coccyx, bones.

Color: red. Sense: smell. Element: Earth.

1st chakra relates to:

Connection to Earth and physical realm, roots, animal nature, wildness, sexuality, primal needs, material security, prosperity, family, tribe, life force energy, will to live and to survive, endurance, instincts, physical health

Out of balance:

Low energy, feelings of inadequacy, negative attitude towards money, fight for survival, fears, jealousy, low libido, sexual dysfunctions, addictions, shame, despisal of the material world.

In balance:

Natural self-confidence, strong life force energy, abundance, safety, security, stability, trust, groundedness, ecstatic love making, resilience.

Sounds familiar?

Click here and learn how you can balnace your 1st chakra>>>

If we imagine our chakra system as a lotus flower, then the first chakra represents our roots. Through the first chakra we receive energy from the Earth and we nourish our whole energetic system with it. If our first chakra – our root is in its power, then our life force energy can flow upwards through all the chakras. It nourishes our whole being, supports our growth and helps us to attain our full potential – full blossom of the lotus flower. The blossoming lotus flower represents our full consciousness – enlightened being.

If this chakra is in disharmony, we stagnate, we don’t really thrive and we suffer low energy.

Sex and spirit in union

There is a saying in tantra: „No mud, no lotus.“ To achieve our full potential and flower into enlightened consciousness, it is important that our roots are healthy and firmly rooted in the Earth. So we are grounded and stable.

Many people are trying to be spiritual but they condemn the material world and sexuality of the first chakra. Without fully embracing our sexuality and animalistic nature, we cannot really grow on our spiritual path because we cut ourselves from our life force energy which is essential for our consciousness and personal growth.

If we try to be spiritual without a strong base, then we are flying somewhere in the clouds and we struggle with the daily physical reality. It is important for a meditating person to ground themselves regularly.

Any spiritual growth that is not helping us to improve our daily life is useless. And any rich materialistic life without spirit has no meaning. It is missing the purpose, depth and direction.

First chakra is a portal for matter to be aligned with spirit.

Kundalini energy

Our first chakra is the seat of kundalini energy. It is our life force energy that awakens our consciousness and spiritual growth. In ancient scriptures it was depicted as a sleeping snake curled into a spiral. As soon as it is awakened, it starts rise up along the spine. On the way it awakens all our energy centers – chakras.

When it is fully awakened a person experiences an orgasmic feeling of bliss, wholeness and connection to all that is. You are opening to universal consciousness and your full potential. So we can walk our life path consciously, confident, in joy and trust. All aspects of our life are in harmony and we enjoy every moment.

Tips on how to work with your 1st Chakra:

To get full benefit of our first chakra, we need to connect with the Earth, with nature, with our body, with the mater. We need to get into contact with our primal wild unbounded energy.

How to do it?

Meditation for grounding: walking barefoot on the grass, soil, stones or anything natural. Feel and sense how your feet are touching the ground. Feel weight of your body and the pressure of your feet on the ground. Sense how the Earth is holding you, nourishing and supporting you. Feel the connection between you and the Earth. Keep this meditative awareness for about 20 minutes.

More activities that support activation of the first chakra:

  • Physical work, massage, sex, exercise, any work with the body or the mater, work in the garden with soil.
  • African music, drumming, didgeridoo, tribal dance

Try doing these activities with a meditative awareness. Maybe you don’t even have to take extra time for them. Most of them you are doing daily. Just bring your awareness to them and make it your meditation. Maybe you are walking somewhere, maybe you are washing the dishes, doing laundry, carrying groceries or you are cooking, listening to radio while dancing. Sense your contact with the mater, with Earth and with your body. Maybe it looks simple but when you bring your awareness there, you will see that things start happening and something starts shifting.

Do you feel you need to really deeply heal and activate your first chakra?

I invite you to a transformational workshop which will help you to unlock your first chakra and change your life for the better. You will learn practical tools and in-depth meditations which you can use in your daily life.

Click here and learn more>>>



P.S. You can follow all my activities in this FB group>>> 

Since 2011 Amrita has studied Tantra, meditations, holistic healing techniques and energy work. On her path, she has experienced a powerful opening of her 'healing channel' and since then she has been working as a medium - channeling high vibration frequencies to other people with amazing results. Presently, she is sharing the most effective methods she has learned to help other people live consciously in joy and bliss. She writes articles, facilitates workshops for women, offers personal therapeutic Skype sessions and online healing programs.

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  • Author: Amrita Hanna Slaninková, MBA – tantra teacher and holistic therapist
  • Since 2011 Amrita has studied Tantra, meditations, holistic healing techniques and energy work. On her path, she has experienced a powerful opening of her ‘healing channel’ and since then she has been working as a medium – channeling high vibration frequencies to other people with amazing results. Presently, she is sharing the most effective methods she has learned to help other people live consciously in joy and bliss. She writes articles, facilitates workshops for women, offers personal therapeutic Skype sessions and online healing programs.