Romantic relationships are very important part of our life.
A big part of a good relationship is se.uality. Of course se.uality is not the only thing that makes amazing relationship. But without amazing love making we cannot really live fulfilled relationship on all levels.
Many people think that sexuality is something spontaneous and automatic that happens on its own.
However in this area we carry the biggest baggage of psychosomatic blocks, negative experiences and repressions. By the time we grow into sexual maturity our subconsciousness is filled with many negative patterns around sexuality so it is far from its original spontaneity and authenticity.
Due to our upbringing and social conditioning we carry in our subconsciousness many fears, resistance, feelings of shame and guilt towards our sexuality and our desires. With this negative baggage we are trying to connect with the opposite sex and that may often result in unpleasant and sometimes traumatic experiences.
On the conscious level it appears to us that everything is all right but in the subconscious it is not.
It is then displayed as non acceptance of self, shut down in sexuality, disharmony in relationships, lack of intimacy and inability to create fulfilling relationship.
Women often suffer from inflammation and different diseases of sexual organs, inability to reach an orgasm, they may experience pain during love making or have low interest in sex. Men can suffer from premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction or low libido.
Our sexuality needs to be healed and cleansed to return back to its authentic state of innocence and sacredness.
To come back to purity of our energy we need to unlearn everything we have learned about sexuality. We need to clear all negative feelings and perceptions of our body and sexuality, heal the wounds of the past so we can rediscover authenticity and spontaneity of our sexual energy.
Act of love making is a celebration of life in reverence to one another on the soul level, in deep intimacy and love.
To open up our full potential it is important to learn how to cultivate this energy the correct way. We need to learn how to shift love-making from the body level to a higher level. Our sexuality should be connected with love and spirituality.
When we bring love and meditation into our love-making we can experience amazing ecstatic spiritual states and connection on the soul level. Our relationship will completely transform and shift to a higher level of consciousness and a mutual harmonic resonance. For the first time we meet our partner in total presence, in the nakedness of the soul, in deep vulnerability and strength at the same time. And that is the true connection.
Sexuality is not just a source of shallow pleasure.
In reality it is a portal to expanded states of consciousness. In sexuality there is hidden source of our vitality, wellbeing, creativity and joy. It is our life-force energy from which we are all created and which is nourishing us our whole life.
By accepting our sexuality as a sacred act we can realize our divinity. Our relationships will enliven, we can get more connection with our partner and a deep nourishment of our soul. And that is something that every one of us is yearning for.
We need to reconnect with our deepest sacred life energy of pleasure and ecstasy. When we are disconnected from it or we perceive it as something negative then our life is black and white and very limited. Lovemaking becomes very shallow act for a quick release of tension in our body. We are disconnected from our body, emotions from our partner…
However when we learn how to cultivate our sexual energy the right way we can experience miracles in all aspects of our life not just on the partnership level.
The good news is that there is a solution.
For more than 9 years I am very intensely studying and exploring tantra which brings love and consciousness into all aspects of our life so we can rediscover our sacredness.
I have traveled throughout the world to learn ancient techniques and meditations which were for ages kept secret that are designed to rediscover our true self. Everything I have learned about sacred sexuality I now teach on Tantra workshops to help other people to create healthy attitude towards their sexuality and self.
Soon, there will be amazing workshop called Master Lover. If you are interested in this topic please click here>>>
Ancient Tantra teaching is helping us to love and honor our body as well as the body of our partner. It brings reverence, depth, love and acceptance. It unveils the highest truth and the deepest essence. It is an opportunity to know self.
Lovemaking is an act of a sacred ritual of two divine beings.
Tantra is helping us to connect with our authentic natural sexual energy. It opens up our body, expands senses and our ability of pleasure.
Through that we open up to the depths of intimacy, vulnerability and new heights of ecstasy. It unlocks the whole Chakra system so we can be receptive to receive Grace. It helps us to perceive the present moment here and now in our body in full presence without judgment.
It heals our body, mind and soul. It helps us to let go of the control and relax into surrender and flow. Then each moment becomes unique. We free ourselves from repetitive patterns and we open up to creative flow of divine dance of masculine and feminine energy.
It enlivens every cell in our body. Our consciousness expands and connects with all that is. Such an experience transforms our being from the core.
I know it can sound too much or as something that is unreachable. But by using simple techniques we can easily come back to our joy and pleasure on a different new level.
You can learn all these techniques on Master Lover workshop here>>>
Many people feel attracted to Tantra but at the same time they might have doubts or worries. It is worth of risking it and stepping out of the comfort zone because that which is on the other side is beyond any imagination and can radically change our life.
Often people think that if they don’t have a partner then it is not for them. However Tantra can be explored not just in a couple but as a single as well. Pleasure is yours and it is not dependent on your partner. It is worth of exploring it.
If this is something that resonates with you, then click here and read more about Master Lover workshop>>>
P.S. You can follow all my activities in this FB group>>>
P.S.2 Wondering what else I am preparing? Click here and check out the calendar of events>>>