Does your 2nd Chakra need more balance?

2nd Chakra Svadhishthana – the sacral chakra

Emotions, sensuality, portals of life and death

Location: Between the belly button and pubic bone

Connected with: lower belly, reproducing organs, womb, kidneys, gall bladder, urinary, liver, hypothalamus, lower back, body fluids.

Color: orange. Sense: taste. Element: water.

2nd chakra relates to:

Emotions, flow, relationships, fertility, orgasmic potential, creativity, life cycles, death, rebirth, connection to universal womb – Goddess Mother.

Out of balance:

Emotional ups and downs, feelings of guilt, aggression, depression, numbness, aversion to life, inability to have an orgasm, hopelessness, rejection of self, addictions, jealousy, impotency, frigidity, premature ejaculation, unfulfilled desires.

In balance:

Vitality, emotional flow, passion, joy of life, spontaneity, authenticity, creativity, connection, fertility, sensuous love making, full orgasmic potential, pleasure, flexibility, fulfillment.

Does this resonate with you?

Read this article to the very end to learn tips on how to bring your 2nd chakra into balance. Or click here>>>

Emotional flow

Second chakra is the center of our emotions. Emotions are nourishing our soul and if we allow ourselves to feel them fully, they bring us deep fulfillment.

From early childhood we were taught to control our emotions. Don’t cry, don’t yell, don’t be angry, don’t laugh… So we have learned to suppress them and not to show them.

However when we suppress our emotions, we are cutting off from our sensitivity and from our heart. Our senses become dull and our body numb. We stop being empathic towards others. We can feel without enthusiasm for life. Nothing brings us happiness, we might be depressed and with no energy.

When we open up to a healthy emotional flow, a huge amount of energy unlocks in our body. The joy of life comes back, as well as, inspiration and authenticity. And this is the essence and the gift of second chakra, which we can easily activate with the right techniques.

If you are interested how to do it, read to the very end.

We need to accept our emotions the way they are, stop being afraid of them and learn how to express them in a healthy way.

Vitality and life force energy

Second chakra supports healthy flow of our life force kundalini energy. If we carry an emotional baggage from the past, it blocks its flow. So we can feel weak, exhausted with low energy. To ensure full flow of energy throughout of body, we need to clear our subconscious from locked emotions from the past. That will unlock flow of our life force energy and we open up to health, vitality and higher states of consciousness.

Sensuality and spirituality

Second chakra uses the portal of pleasure for connection to spirituality and sacredness.

By opening up the second chakra we awaken our sensitivity. When we are in our full sensitivity and the life force flows throughout our body, it is an ecstatic feeling. We feel pleasure, sensuality in the body and we are expanding to our full orgasmic potential. Our orgasmic potential opens up consciousness through which we can dive into the spiritual aspect of love making.

Second chakra helps us to shift from suffering to pleasure.

We can experience pleasure beyond what we think was possible: full body orgasms, multiple orgasms, chain orgasms… By healing our second chakra we heal also sexual dysfunctions and we return back to our healthy functioning and joy of life.

Life cycle

In woman’s body is the second chakra connected with the womb. On the spiritual level it is the connection with the universal womb – the Mother Goddess. During one month a woman goes through all life cycles: birth, life, death and rebirth. Second chakra carries all these aspects.

It helps us to overcome the fear of death so we can fully live in trust and joy. It teaches us how to let go of the old so something new and vital can be born. Through the second chakra we give life three ways: either to a physical child, a project or our new self.

Tips on how to work with your 2nd chakra:

To fully unlock the potential of second chakra we need to consciously connect with our emotions. We need to get in contact with our subconsciousness and clear it from unprocessed emotions from past. Through that our sensitivity will heighten, as well as, the ability to feel pleasure and our life force can freely flow.

How to do it?

Meditation Becoming Your Emotions:
Take time just for yourself and make sure that noone is going to disturb you for about 25-30 minutes. Stand up, close your eyes and connect with what you feel inside yourself. Start breathing deeply into your lower belly. Notice feelings in your body and connect with any emotion you feel. Deepen your breath even more and on the exhale start making any spontaneous sound. Gradually add intuitive movement of body and express anything what you feel through breath, sound and movement. You can yell, stump, cry, laugh, and shake, anything that will help you to express your emotions. Go consciously mad and allow yourself full catharsis. Be total. Follow this energy and keep expressing emotions without judgment as they come, moment to moment. Continue for 20 minutes. Then sit or lay down and 5-10 min become a witness of your energy in your body without any movement.

More activities that support activation of 2nd chakra:

  • Sensuous dance, belly dance, swimming, enjoying delicious food, massages, sensuous caressing of the whole body, shaking or anything that supports fluidity in your body.
  • Working with the element of water:
    • Drink water consciously. Water can be very easily infused with positive energy. Anytime you drink, take your glass into your palms and imagine infusing it with love, light and healing. You can imagine also other qualities that you need in this moment. When you drink the water, feel how your body is absorbing these qualities.
    • Conscious cleansing with water. Anytime you shower or bath, simply imagine how is the water cleansing and washing away any negativity from your body.

Try doing these activities with a meditative awareness. Maybe you don’t even have to take extra time for them. Most of them you are doing daily. Just bring your awareness to them and make it your meditation. 

Do you need to deeply heal and activate your 2nd chakra?

I invite you to a transformational workshop which will help you to unlock and harmonize your second chakra, so you can connect back again with your passion for life. You will learn how to be in emotional flow and how to express your emotions a healthy way.

Click here and read how you can unlock your 2nd chakra>>>

I am interested in your experience. Is it easy for you to express your emotions? Which ones you are comfortable with and which ones are challenging for you? Write me in the comments.



P.S. You can follow all my activities in this FB group>>>

P.S.2 Interested what else I am preparing? Click here and check out my calendar of events>>>

Since 2011 Amrita has studied Tantra, meditations, holistic healing techniques and energy work. On her path, she has experienced a powerful opening of her 'healing channel' and since then she has been working as a medium - channeling high vibration frequencies to other people with amazing results. Presently, she is sharing the most effective methods she has learned to help other people live consciously in joy and bliss. She writes articles, facilitates workshops for women, offers personal therapeutic Skype sessions and online healing programs.

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  • Author: Amrita Hanna Slaninková, MBA – tantra teacher and holistic therapist
  • Since 2011 Amrita has studied Tantra, meditations, holistic healing techniques and energy work. On her path, she has experienced a powerful opening of her ‘healing channel’ and since then she has been working as a medium – channeling high vibration frequencies to other people with amazing results. Presently, she is sharing the most effective methods she has learned to help other people live consciously in joy and bliss. She writes articles, facilitates workshops for women, offers personal therapeutic Skype sessions and online healing programs.