A Healthy Lifestyle – what is the most important aspect that is missing?

Currently, there is a positive movement towards healthy food, regular exercise and positive thinking.
People are moving towards improvement many areas of their life.

But there is one area that we are omitting.

We push it away because it is enveloped with a veil of shame and ‘Taboo’. It is our innate essence,  holding tremendous power and where our highest potential is hidden – it is our Sexuality.

People often feel uncomfortable or awkward about it and it is because in our Sexuality,  we have many psychosomatic blocks and suppression’s, which has a negative impact on all areas of our life.

Because we were raised in a very suppressed society, we carry lots of unconscious fears, resentment, shame and guilt towards our sexuality and desires. Which in turn shows up as disharmony in our relationships, lack of intimacy or inability to have a fulfilling relationship.

This suppression also creates warped manifestations of this energy. Such as rape, deviations, addictions and persistent fantasies.

Our sexuality needs to be healed and cleansed to be brought back to its authentic state of innocence and sacredness.

Sexuality is a hidden source for our health, vitality, creativity and joy. It is our life force energy from which we all are created and is nourishing us throughout our whole life.
Blocked sexual energy creates lack of energy, tension, depressions and worthlessness. It is vitally important for every being on this planet.

Did you know that sexual energy heals?

Yes, I know there are lots of jokes about it. But did you know that actually there are simple techniques that can teach you how to use your sexual energy for real healing of body, mind and spirit?

Sexual energy is not just a source of superficial pleasure.

In reality it is a portal to Superconsciousness.

By embracing our sexuality as a sacred act, we can realise our divinity.

If you learn how to cultivate your sexual energy, you can make miracles in all areas of your life.

You can use it:
•    As a source of vitality, health and youthfulness.
•    For healing the body, mind and spirit.
•    For expanding of your potential and opening doors for new opportunities in life.
•    For achieving excellent results in any area to which you put your focus.
•    For deepening love, intimacy and connection.
•    For manifesting any dream or desire you have.
•    For opening consciousness and connection to your Soul path.

This energy can help you to make a quantum shift in your life.
•    So you stop living a small, limited life and open up to the full spectrum of experiences.
•    So you can connect with your life purpose and walk with passion in your Soul path.

Learn how to cultivate your sexual energy.

We have prepared for you,  a Women’s Seminar for the healing of your sexual centre and unblocking your life force energy.

Reclaim your power and open up to vitality, health and passion for life.

Learn more about this seminar here>>>

Our sexuality is a very sensitive topic.

Many women carry traumas and negative experiences. It is important to approach it with tenderness and respect towards boundaries of every woman so she feels safe.

If you feel doubts or mistrust towards male teachers, come and join us in our safe circle of women where we can open up to this topic without fear.

Have a look how this seminar can help you. Click here>>>

And how about you? How do you perceive your Sexuality? Is it easy for you to live your deepest longings? Or do you feel that you are not really fully living your Sexuality? Is it easy for you to talk about it?

Please write me in the comments below.



P.S. You can follow me on FB in this group>>>

P.S.2. Check all upcoming events here in my calendar>>>

Since 2011 Amrita has studied Tantra, meditations, holistic healing techniques and energy work. On her path, she has experienced a powerful opening of her 'healing channel' and since then she has been working as a medium - channeling high vibration frequencies to other people with amazing results. Presently, she is sharing the most effective methods she has learned to help other people live consciously in joy and bliss. She writes articles, facilitates workshops for women, offers personal therapeutic Skype sessions and online healing programs.

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  • Author: Amrita Hanna Slaninková, MBA – tantra teacher and holistic therapist
  • Since 2011 Amrita has studied Tantra, meditations, holistic healing techniques and energy work. On her path, she has experienced a powerful opening of her ‘healing channel’ and since then she has been working as a medium – channeling high vibration frequencies to other people with amazing results. Presently, she is sharing the most effective methods she has learned to help other people live consciously in joy and bliss. She writes articles, facilitates workshops for women, offers personal therapeutic Skype sessions and online healing programs.